Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fabric and Wigs and Laces..Oh My!!

Hi All,

Well it's been over a week since I have posted because, well, I haven't created very much.  But I did want to share with you some goodies I have gotten since we last met.

First, my daughter and I went to the Swap Meet here in Ogden, it's small but sometimes we can still find nice stuff, walk around in the sun and take in the world.  So I bought a nice stack of flannel from Lanz of Salzburg, the company that makes the yummy nightgowns.  I just love the colors and cannot wait to put some of my dolls in their new nightgowns (After I make them, of course).

 My Second purchase is off of Ebay.  I know Ebay has their issues but overall I like buying off them and my daughter and I do sell off them too. Don't worry this is not a buy my stuff blog nor will it turn into one but we do sell under the same name - RecycleBliss. (My shameful plugging for the day)  I bought a group of wigs from "hepme101".  Very nice person and has great prices on wigs.  Here's my BFC ink doll rewigged.
Don't you just love her?  And darn if that isn't a good photo too...

My last purchase showed up yesterday and I bought it off Facebook.  I just discovered that Facebook has a HUGE amount of groups selling stuff.  Go check it out, several fabric groups, crazy quilting supplies, Victoria's Secret stuff, etc.  Now they are not secure like Ebay so you purchase at your own risk, however, if you use PayPal you at least can get your money back if the transaction goes bad.
So here's just a small sampling of the laces I bought.  I went a little crazy with these as you can see from the pictures.  I was just so sick of going to the big fabric stores and seeing the same old stuff.  So I bought these off of Jerry Foster(Fabric Jerry) and can vouch for him as a good seller/person.  Over 110 laces - 3 yards each $100, which included shipping.  Now these are nice laces!  I played with them and organized most, all day yesterday.  So pretty!  They go from 6" down to 1/4".  Here's just an example:
 These are all the ones in a big tub and the ones left that I haven't done.  All of them are quality laces.  He also sells them individually by the yard.
 Now, I am not getting a thing for telling you about these sellers.  I just like to pass along good (or bad) experiences with sellers, companies etc.  Knowledge is power!

See you again soon,


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