Monday, April 7, 2014

Doing A Few Estate Sales & Thrifting ...

I told you I would return and I am keeping my word.  My daughter and I went thrifting and estate shopping on Friday.  She always finds stuff.  Me, since I am older I guess, I can always do without or wait, it's not so urgent anymore.  But I did find 2 things that I am so excited about!  First is this wonderful hankie:

Around the edge it says "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
Do you remember that in typing class?  It took me a while to figure out that the squiggles were shorthand.  I asked my 24 year old son if he knew what dictation was and he didn't so I explained it to him.  Imagine, this is now a lost skill, it's not needed anymore.  This simple handkerchief is a piece of history, not only are hankies a defunct piece of clothing (I need to come up with a better word than defunct), the skill on it is too.

My surprise find of the day was a surprise in 2 ways.  First, was the place that I found her, one of the Deseret Industries thrift shops in Salt Lake, second was the price of 3 dollars!  I know I have gone a little  (ok, a lot) Crissy crazy but it was too good of a deal.  So here she is:

This is the Crissy from the late 70's early 80's and she does not have the growing hair feature.  Of course the dress has got to go but she has all her body parts and they move well, she needs to be cleaned up and then I will see if her hair needs to be replaced or leave as is.  It's been a while since I have done a reroot and with a larger doll it could be fun.  Maybe a little repaint too, hmmm, this could get interesting...

I hope you all have a great week and I will be writing again soon.

Make sure you do something that you love today!!


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