Friday, April 12, 2013

What is Bias Batting Tape Anyway?

Hi Everyone!

Well it has been while hasn't it?  So now that some craziness in my life has settled down I am back and I have been doing a little experimenting and thought I would share it with you.  So those of you who quilt your own quilts, what do you do when you get to the end and you mis-measured your batting?  So after I was done yelling and crying (Just kidding) I went upstairs to retrieve my handy fusible batting tape only to realize that I only had about 6 inches left of the stuff!  What's a girl to do?   I begrudgingly went to the computer to see about ordering more when I thought really what is this tape?  It's lightweight, fusible with a little stretch.  I went to my sewing room and started to hunt around and came across some lightweight knit fusible by the yard leftover from another project.  Next, I took my trusty rotary cutter and made a few bias cuts the same width as the tape I had.  Here is a picture of the tape I made on the batting:

  It held the batting together nicely and I quilted through it with no problems.  I really cannot see how it is any different than what I bought in the roll.  Well there is one difference, mine came in the pieces I cut so instead of one long strip I had to overlap the ones I made which really was no big deal.  It is fusible which means just like the tape it is meant to hold to whatever you iron it to.  The quilt has been on my bed being used every night for several weeks now and I haven't seen anything funny happening to the area where I did this.  Just something for you to think about for you next batting emergency.

Have a great day and make time to do something that you love to do!

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